This section of our site seeks to answer questions regarding our stance on various topics. This section will continue to be updated with more questions and the providing of scriptures. As the Bible says, we “know in part” (1 Corinthians 13:9) and do not pretend as though we have the answer to every question. We also believe that understandings can change upon further study or the urging of the spirit of the Most High.

  1. The Name Of God: YHWH (YaHaWaH)
  2. The Name of Christ: Yahawashi
  3. What Identifies the true Children of Israel today?
  4. What do we believe regarding Christ?
  5. What do we believe regarding the Bible?
  6. What is repentance?
  7. Must we keep the law (commandments)?
  8. Is the law done away with?
  9. What is our biblical dress code?
  10. What about the other nations?
  11. Why don’t you celebrate holidays?
  12. What Holy Days do you celebrate?
  13. Do you agree with ALL other Israelite groups?
  14. Why don’t you teach the 12 Tribe Chart?
  15. Why don’t you require tithing?

1. The Name Of God: YHWH (YaHaWaH)

We understand that many people call the Most High by titles (God, LORD, Elohim, etc.). Each time you see the word “LORD” in the Old Testament, it is the tetragrammaton (YHWH-Strong’s Concordance H3068). The shortened version of His name is Yah (Psalm 68:4). It is more important to live up to carrying the Most High’s name, as opposed to spelling or pronouncing it correctly.

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2. The Name of Christ: Yahawashi

We understand that many people call on the name of Jesus. We also understand that the Messiah was born with a Hebrew name, and that there are no J’s in Hebrew. Therefore, the more accurate English translation of his name would be Joshua. In Hebrew, this name would be Yahawashi (which means salvation). Matthew 1:21 (G2444 Joshua H3091 YHWH saved Yahawashi he who saves) Exodus 23:20-21 (my name is in him). Much like with the Father’s name, we do not argue over this topic, nor do we make it a point of contention. However, we are firm in the fact that the Messiah has a Hebrew name and that understanding that name is powerful.

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3. What Identifies the true Children of Israel today?

The curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-68 identify who the 12 Tribes of Israel are today. Geographic location nor media can nullify the fact that the 12 tribes of Israel would be a people that would: Go into slavery, be sold to their enemies, be known as bywords/proverbs, be conquered by other nations, be forced to learn their tongues, etc. There are many groups that subscribe to the 12 Tribe Chart that identifies who each of the 12 tribes are today. We do not subscribe to this teaching, but do recognize that the 12 tribes are scattered throughout those lands (North and South America, Puerto Rico, Cuba, etc.) We also recognize the fact that the Most High God stated that the Israelites would be scattered to all four corners of the earth, meaning everywhere. Therefore, Israelites are scattered in Spain, Portugal, England, Australia, Hawaii, Japan, Africa, etc. It is our duty to preach the Gospel in all nations, knowing and believing that the Most High God will awaken His Children, those that are descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel by bloodline. What will prove that we are Israelites, is the ability to obey the Most High God and faith in His Son. We do not judge strictly by color, hairstyle, etc. Your works and faith will prove who and what you are.

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4. What do we believe regarding Christ?

We believe He is the Son of the Most High God, who pre-existed prior to his birth through Mary and Joseph. He lived a sinless life, and gave His life as a ransom to save His people (12 Tribes of Israel). He died during the Passover season and rose three days and three nights later (not Good Friday and Easter Sunday). He ascended back to Heaven and is awaiting to return to set-up the Kingdom of Heaven here on this earth, and rule from Jerusalem.

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5. What do we believe regarding the Bible?

We believe that the Bible (biblios-books) is our history record, outlining creation, the fall of civilization, the restoration of the earth through Noah and his descendants, the establishment of all nations on this earth including the chosen nation (Israel), the covenants given to that chosen nation, the establishment of their territory, their rulers/judges/kings, their fall as a united monarchy into two kingdoms, their complete fall as a nation, their redeemer being born and brought forth to begin the process of re-establishing their rulership on the earth, the continued disobedience of the chosen people and the rulership of other nations throughout history, the awakening that would (and is currently) taking place of those chosen people and the eventual salvation and Kingdom created for the Nation of Israel, in which all of mankind will benefit from.

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6. What is repentance?

Repentance is turning away from sin. Sin is breaking the Most High God’s laws (i.e. sabbath breaking, dishonoring parents, idolatry, adultery, etc.) For one to repent, they must truly be sorrowful for their actions and turn away from them.

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7. Must we keep the law (commandments)?

Simply put, yes. Love is keeping the commandments. We do understand that there are a number of laws (mainly civil laws in the scripture) that we can not keep due to our captivity and not living in our promised land. However, this does not stop us from rehearsing the “righteous acts”, nor do we have any excuse to disregard any of Yah’s moral laws (i.e. the 10 commandments and more).

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8. Is the law done away with?

No. Yahawashi (Jesus) did not come to do away with any of His Father’s laws. On the contrary, He magnified the law and made it even more honourable. An example of this is his stance on adultery. It is not enough to simply stay away from the physical act, but seeing as though most sin begins in the mind, the Messiah teaches us that even when we look with lust, it is considered adultery. Another example would be murder. While we may not physically murder our brother, hating them in your heart is just the same as murder. God’s law can not be done away with, due to the fact that sin still reigns on the earth. Our job is to overcome sin, but how do we know sin if there is no law? Christ has done away with the need of animal sacrifices and aspects of the levitical priesthood. However, this does not negate commandment keeping, as those that keep (guard) the commandments will have a right to the tree of life in the Kingdom.

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9. What is our biblical dress code?

We do not believe in cross dressing. Therefore, men should wear men garments and the same for women. We do teach that women should wear skirts/dresses and that men should wear pants (not sagging). Feel free to watch an archived video we produced on this topic. (Please note, we have done more research on this topic and have made changes since the video was created. Clothes that are produced from two different sources are lawful, as long as they are not plant based and animal based mixed together.)

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10. What about the other nations?

According to the Bible, the Most High God created all nations. However, He only has ONE nation that He deals with intimately. (Israel) The other nations will serve in the Kingdom of God under the rulership of Yahawashi and the 12 Tribes of Israel. We do not bash other nations, nor are we affiliated with any group that promotes violence towards any group of people. At the same time, we do believe that the Most High God’s word is true and judgment will come to all nations for their injustices towards the chosen people of God, and for not adhering to God’s laws.

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11. Why don’t you celebrate holidays?

Holidays are not mentioned in the scriptures. While it is fine to create/celebrate your own special traditions (i.e. wedding anniversary), holidays such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, etc. stem from pagan sources.

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12. What Holy Days do you celebrate?

As Israelites, we celebrate the Holy Days found throughout the scriptures (primarily Leviticus 23). Additional days we commemorate would be the New Moon (each month), Purim, Feast of Dedication, Memorial of Simon, Destruction of Nicanor. Some of these are found in the Apocrypha.

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13. Do you agree with ALL other Israelite groups?

We have no issue with any Israelite camp, ministry, church, congregation, etc. While all of the above do not agree on various topics, we believe that one day, all Israelites will be on one accord with Yahawashi leading us all. Therefore at this time, we study to do our own work and salute anyone or any group that is striving to obey Yah and believe in Yahawashi and have righteous fruit to back up their stance.

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14. Why don’t you teach the 12 Tribe Chart?

As stated earlier, we would lose our identity. While the chart does show some geographic locations of where Israelites are scattered, it does not address all places. Along with this, most do not have any written records of their genealogy as our forefathers once did. Now, we must rely on the scriptures and the Spirit of the Most High bearing witness with our spirit that we are the children of the God.

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15. Why don’t you require tithing?

Tithing was required under the Levitical priesthood, and was not 10% of your salary/income. This is another fabrication of the modern church that states that the “law” is done away with, but tithing is in effect. 

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