• We believe in the Bible (Old Testament, Apocrypha and New Testament).
  • We believe in the One True God Yahawah (YHWH).
  • We believe in the One True Messiah Yahawashi (whom most call Jesus Christ).
  • We believe in the death, burial, resurrection, ascension and second coming of Yahawashi.
  • We believe that Yahawashi will establish the Kingdom of Heaven here on this earth at His second coming.
  • We believe that you must still obey God’s commandments to this day to the best of your ability (i.e. dietary laws, Sabbath, Holy Days, clothing laws, marriage laws, etc.).
  • We believe that the twelve tribes of Israel are a scattered people throughout the four corners of the earth, due to disobedience to the covenant the Most High God made with our forefathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).
  • We believe the curses of Deuteronomy chapter 28 identify who the 12 tribes of Israel are today (indigenous peoples, African-Americans, etc.).
  • We believe that one can only know they are a true descendant of the 12 tribes through faith in Yahawashi and obedience to God’s laws.